




作者:   发布日期:2024-06-21  




[1] Jianmin Zheng and Zhongsheng Hou, "Model Free Adaptive Iterative Learning Control Based Fault-Tolerant Control for Subway Train With Speed Sensor Fault and Over-Speed Protection," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 168-180, 2024.(期刊,第一作者,SCI,IF: 6.636, 中科院一区)

[2] Jianmin Zheng and Zhongsheng Hou, "ESO-Based Model-Free Adaptive Iterative Learning Energy-Efficient Control for Subway Train With Disturbances and Over-Speed Protection," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 8136-8148, 2023. (期刊,第一作者,SCI,IF: 9.551, 中科院一区)

[3] Jianmin Zheng and Zhongsheng Hou, "Data-Driven Spatial Adaptive Terminal Iterative Learning Predictive Control for Automatic Stop Control of Subway Train With Actuator Saturation," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 11453-11465, 2023. (期刊,第一作者,SCI,IF: 9.551, 中科院一区)

[4] Jianmin Zheng and Zhongsheng Hou, "Data-driven model free adaptive iterative learning compensation control for MIMO nonlinear system with sensor faults, " in 2022 13th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Jeju, Korea, 2022, pp. 2169-2174. (第一作者,EI 检索)

[5] Huiying Wu, Shangtai Jin, Chenkun Yin, Jianmin Zheng and Zhongsheng Hou, "Model free adaptive predictive tracking control for robot manipulators with uncertain parameters," in 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS), Suzhou, China, pp. 1571-1576. (第四作者,EI 检索)


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